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Revolutionising recruitment: introducing our RPO service

Revolutionising recruitment: introducing our RPO service

Are you considering a transition to the RPO model, or wondering what “RPO” even means? Read on to find out everything you need to know. 

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) involves partnering with a team of external recruitment specialists who can support you with all or a part of your company’s ongoing staffing needs. Whether it’s a specific project or area of the organisation, or assisting your HR team with all new hiring requirements, RPO offers a flexible solution and while it is more commonly focused towards high-volume environments or specialised skill set projects, it also provides smaller/medium-sized organisations without an in-house recruitment/talent acquisition team access to this expensive resource for a scalable cost.

Why choose RPO?

We know better than anyone else just how work-intensive recruitment can be, and we’re here to take that off your hands: 

  • Time savings – from sourcing candidates, pre-screening, interviews, vetting and onboarding, recruitment takes up a lot of a company's vital time. By outsourcing these processes to our expert team of Consultants, we can expedite the placement of quality candidates, freeing up your crucial time and resources.

  • Cost efficiency – by leveraging our RPO services, you can eliminate the need for additional internal HR or talent acquisition professionals, as well as the expense of engaging multiple recruitment agencies. Our cost-effective approach ensures you get the desired results without breaking the bank.

  • Superior results – our dedicated Recruitment Consultants take the time to fully understand your unique priorities and requirements, and through learning your process and projects inside out, we can source the best-fit candidates for you, consistently exceeding your expectations and delivering results on time, every time.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is in our DNA and has been for over three decades - we keep our services at the cutting edge of innovative developments in talent acquisition, candidate selection, onboarding, and dynamic pricing. By partnering with us, you'll have access to the latest advancements, ensuring your recruitment processes remain efficient and effective.